
4th Annual Long Beach - Aug 5 & 6

Squad Division Place
Open B 3rd
Division II 4th

Thanks to all you guys for making it a great weekend for the team.

There are still several of you out there who are owed a team “baptism” and next time, Javier, we will help conquer your fears. Hell, Henry claims to have been allergic to salt water. We cured him of that. Those who don't know what I'm talking about, be sure to ask at the next practice (which is this coming Sunday).


Some of you have only practiced with us a few times. Some raced in a few races, some raced in more. But ALL of you did great and put out a tremendous effort. I hope you guys enjoyed the tournament, as much as we enjoyed having you in the club. We hope that you stay on to continue training to make Foster City (September 16th and 17th) an even more successful race.

And thanks to the core group, for again, earning the distinction of being core.

We placed third in Open B (to BAD and Dieselfish) and fourth in Division II. Both categories had a field of six teams. Our best time, (2:02) placed us just below San Diego, Canada Airlines, Taiwan, BAD, Dieselfish, and Wasabi.

All are established teams. Our worst time (2:11) was only beat by about three additional teams, all with their best times. And we sent the Dragon Warriors packing!

This places us as undoubtedly the best team in the Los Angeles area. Most of the local teams were beat by at least ten seconds (or two boat lengths). I am happy with where our team is at.

But from what we saw at the tournament, there are also many areas we can improve at. And we must do so to stay at the top. We'll talk about improvements, comments, and suggestions at the next practice.



Thanks so much for the awseome weekend. The racing was great but it wouldn't have been nearly as much fun without hanging with LARD. The food, water, and Joe's crabs made for a weekend that all of us will remember.

It is true that racing seems tot ake up the whole time on these trips, hopefully we can be as good of a host team when you guys come up north. Keep me informed as to what you guys need for getting to the crowne plaza and all that. hopefully we can get enough vehicles to get up to the city this year.

I'll be sure to relay the invitation for LA practices to the team. And yes, DF has been practicing our a$$es off. If any of you want to come up early let me know we can have a combined practice or something like that. You guys are going in the right direction! keep it up. you guys looked great this weekend.

Ken Hong from DieselFish


Back in the day, Leon made these beautiful roster printouts with his mad CAD skills. I remember spending many a night at his apartment in Van Nuys assisting, but mainly observing and eating his food while Jason and he would put together the race rosters.

The team was still developing its identity as a year round dragon boat club and this year we retained the yellow PVCA shirts out of respect for our PVCA origins.

The paddling technique during these years was more about brute force than any sense of elegance, but during the early years, no one really understood how to apply techniques properly with each team essentially making it up as they went along.

Going out in style

And yet, somehow LARD was able to find a moderate amount of success and have a heck of a lot of fun while doing it.

-Kenny reminiscing (2010-07-23)

LARD bio

Phil pre-LARD


Karen Cheng
Ly Huynh
Sue-Meng Lau
Laura Messerschmitt
Roxanne Ross
Javiera Sequeira
Huay Wee
Cindy Wu
Wileen Wong
Wynne Wong


Jason Cheng
Leon Cheng
Cory Chhiap
Thomas Havel
Mike Healey
Jon Kaplan
Mqax Kiert
Alex Kim
Henry Kim
Kenny Kim
Greg Kromhout
George Lin
William Lin
Eddie Liu
Richard Loy
Phillip Olive
Kenny Phillips
Brentin Powels
Emery Shen
Ken Vqan
Arthur Yeh
Los Angeles Racing Dragons Foundation

©2025 Los Angeles Racing Dragons Foundation