Squad | Division | Place |
World Dragon Boat Challenge | 1st | |
Rec B | 1st |
Yeah, thats a good face.
I see from the photos that I am wearing the Viking Hat. Let me tell you about the Viking hat. It belonged to Karen Cheng. I remember that hat with fondness as it was an uncomfortable helmet with rusting screws that I jammed onto my head at the behest of the team. There was a lot of superstition about the helmet - that we couldn't win without me wearing it. Years later, this superstition morphed into the crazy red flame wig superstition. That we couldn't win without me wearing that either! The wig was also very tight on my head. With all the yelling on the boat - my head expanded from all the extra oxygen.
Foster City... We were still a small team at that point and didn't really have extra paddlers so we were tired between races - all the time! I think Leon was developing his magic "let's borrow some paddlers" talent which was how we kept making across the finish line.
Small lake? Wooden paddles? We definitely had to check the boat at the finish line. I also remember that the lake got progressively yucky every following year. I think my calling was still sketchy. Maybe missing a number here or there during the calls. I think I was also speaking Canadian still - it made for very confused paddlers.
:) Good Times!
Huay reminiscing 2010
What year did you start with lard?
Unsure - ask Vi. 1999?
How did you find out about the team?
Cory asked me to try it. I had no idea what dragon boating was. I thought it was remote control boat racing.
What were your first impressions?
I had no idea paddling could induce vomiting
How boat rosters used to be made.
What was your first race experience like?
I am better than all those people on the boat. Why am I sitting on shore and they're not?
Are there any particular moments that stand out in your mind?
Our first division win in Vancouver - from lane 8 [this would be 2005]
Anything silly,crazy,strange happen to you, with you, from you while you have been on the team?
Always. Every year.
Any other tidbits you think would be interesting to share with the team?
Dragon boating itself is fun and challenging but I come back year after year for the people.
Email interview Aug 2010
World Challenge 1st Place
Rec B 1st Place